Type Casting
print("******Calculator******\nby DPKART") print("Type the numbers") print ("Lets's Start") a=240 b=680 print(a) print(b) print("First Number" ,a) print("Second Number" ,b) #+ || print("\tSUM +\t ||\t",a+b) print("\tDeduction -\t ||\t",a-b) print("\tMultiplied *\t ||\t",a*b) print("\t/Divided\t ||\t",a/b) # print("Below is the text version of the calculator") # print("Every time you want results run the same code again & again") # print("Let's add both of them",a+b) # print("Substracting the second from first",a-b) # print("multiplying=",a*b) # print("Dividing the first with second",a/b) # print("Every time you want results run the same code again & again") c=("Addition ") d=("Substraction") e=3.08 f=15.40 print("Combination of a & b") print(int(a) + (b)) print("Combinatio...